Banchory Academy

Banchory Academy Badge

Banchory Academy

Parent Council

Welcome to the Banchory Academy Parent Council.
We represent all the parents and carers of pupils at Banchory Academy, also called the parent forum.
The Parent Council is here to help you all get involved in your child’s learning, to present the views of the parent forum and to support the school.
We meet with the school leadership once a term to discuss all aspects of school life with an annual general meeting (AGM) in September.

If you’d like to get involved, please email us on or come along to our next meeting.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Sofi Izatt

BAPC Chair



Next Meeting

Our next Parent Council Meeting and AGM will be held on Tuesday 10th September 2024 – venue and time to be confirmed.  All parents and carers of pupils at the school are welcome to attend.

Meeting Minutes



Digital Parenting Resources

Aberdeenshire- Online Safety for Parents- SlidesDownload

Drugs and Alcohol Information Evening – Held May 2023

Drugs Information Evening May 2023Download
Drugs Info Slides May23Download

Parent Council Newsletters

BAPC Newsletter Feb 2024Download
BAPC Newsletter 02 May 2023Download
BAPC Newsletter 01 Nov 2022Download

Get in Touch

If you have any questions or issues you’d like the Parent Council to raise, or you’d like more information about what we do, please contact us via

Follow us on social media to keep up to date with all our activities.

Facebook: Banchory Academy Parent Forum

Instagram (@banchory_academy_parent_forum)